Friday, May 2, 2008

Mourning the loss...

I know I've been pretty bad about blogging lately. I had a post all ready to go on Monday about what happened in my neighborhood, but then decided not to post since I thought it was giving up too much personal info about where I live, etc. (Not that anyone I don't know reads my blog anyway, but you never know.) Although now that I think about it, everyone who saw me on the news knows I live where I live and I guess that's not safe either. Oh well, you can't live like a hermit, right?

Also, my lovely laptop that I'd been using in the kitchen is on the fritz. Thus the title to my post. It's been horrible without it. I'm actually thinking of moving my computer somewhere else in the house because where it is now is just too hard to get to easily. I haven't even been checking my email regularly.

First I have a little catching up to do on pics. If you've read Erica's blog you've seen that I gave her kids haircuts. She didn't post about Grace's haircut because Ray isn't supposed to know. (Shhh) But I actually gave Grace a little trim too. Men don't understand that even if girls are going to have long hair they still need to get haircuts now and then. Anyway, I digress. The haircuts went really well. Erica was a little hesitant, so I just took it upon myself to make the first move.
I got Carter and put him in the highchair in front of the TV with a snack. Then I went to town. His hair was really long. I think Erica was a little shocked by how fast and how much hair I was cutting off. I've been cutting hair (non-professionally for about 16 years) Wow, that's a long time now that I think of it! And I've been doing Logan's hair since he was born. So I know that with little kids you have to go as fast as you can since the haircut could come to an end at any time. Like I said he did really well. I pretty much got to do what I wanted. I could have trimmed a little more, but Carter had had enough and so that was it. I think Erica liked it though. And she said Ray liked it too, so that's good.
After I was done with Carter we asked Grace if she wanted a haircut too. At first she said no, but then we said that She and Ellie could get haircuts together and she liked that idea. So we sat them in bar stools next to each other and I gave her a quick trim, just to even up the ends basically. I also gave Ellie a "pretend" haircut since she really didn't need one. After that we all went to lunch with my mom at Taco Cabana. It was a good day.

I wanted to include this picture of Ellie in her new dress with a really full skirt. She loves to twirl around and have the skirt fly up! And just one more picture of Ellie painting on the "weasel" that Aunt Erica gave her and Logan. Too Cute!

P.S. Lisa, I know you tagged me and I'm working on my post for that too!!


erica said...

Yes, you have been a terrible blogger lately. Laptop or no laptop you have to find a way to blog : ) The picts of the kids are cute. I love the weasel pic.

Lisa said...

So you can cut & highlight hair like a pro, paint beautifully and bake like Betty Crocker? You are a very talented lady! :)

I am very sorry about your laptop. Go get it fixed b/c once a week blogging is not cutting it!