Monday, May 5, 2008

Logan's Arm

Don't say, "we told you so". I know I've been posting stories about Logan getting a skateboard and a ramp and the terror that these items filled me with, but this I never would have seen coming.

On Friday evening Logan and Ellie went outside on the porch with Stu while he was grilling. The next thing I knew Logan was inside on the couch writhing around in pain and Ellie was telling me that "Logan told me to push him off the porch in the car." Hmmm. I asked him where it hurt (The scene of the accident)
and he said his arm. A minute later he got up and said he felt like he was going to throw up. He went in the bathroom and laid on the floor by the toilet. I was worried that he hurt his stomach or ribs or something. But he kept saying it was his arm that hurt. I looked at it but couldn't see much wrong except a small red mark on his forearm just below his elbow.

He came back out of the bathroom (without throwing up) and laid on the couch again. He stayed there for probably the next half hour without getting up. Whoa! There has to be something wrong with that boy to keep him curled up in a ball on the couch like that. We had dinner. He didn't want to eat. Again, not like him. So we decided to take him to the urgent care center for X-rays. I had given him some ibuprofen for the pain, made a sling out of a Star Wars pillow case, and off we went.

Of course once we got there and saw the doctor he was feeling better. They did the x-rays first. The doctor came in a few minutes later and asked what happened. He asked Logan to straighten his arm, to bend it, twist it, etc. Logan did all of these things without complaint. The doctor squeezed his arm in several places and asked if it hurt. Logan replied "no" to all of them. The doctor looked at me and said, "it looks like he just banged it". Then went to look at the x-rays, which of course didn't show anything. He sent us home with a paper all about "contusions" a fancy word for a bruise, and another with one sentence about icing it and taking ibuprofen for pain. He did give us a real sling though. He also left me with one sliver of doubt, telling me that sometimes it takes a few days for a fracture to show up on an X-ray. So basically I still don't know if his arm is broken or not.
For some reason I can't go to the urgent care center or ER without feeling like a loser for coming in the first place. Logan was in pain. A lot of pain. After we left I asked him why he didn't tell the doctor his arm hurt? "I don't know" was the answer. So then I'm second guessing myself. Maybe he's not hurt that bad. But still in the back of my mind is that if he's not better in a few days we may need to go and have another x-ray.

So for the last few days we've been in the wait and see mode. He did pretty well all weekend. Although I had to keep him on ibuprofen every 6 hours since the pain kept coming back. We were also using a lot of ice packs. This morning of course he was in agony. He got up himself and got an ice pack. He was begging me not to go to school. I just didn't know what to do. He can't just keep staying home because his arm hurts, right? So I decided to send him to school and call the orthopedic doctor that Erica used when she broke her wrist as soon as I could.

So he's at school now. I hope he's OK. For some reason he doesn't like to use his sling in public. It seems to really help his arm feel better. I'm sure he's not wearing it now though. I talked to his teacher this morning to let her know what was going on. We have an apt. at 3:10 today.

This opens up a whole new can of worms since I watch kids after school (at 3:00) My mom is coming over to pick them up and watch them until I get back. I'm sure it will be fine, but it's just something else to worry about, you know?
We'll see what happens. I'll keep you "posted". Ha ha, get it? I know, I know... dork!


Lisa said...

Oh no! Poor Logan. I sure hope it isn't broken and he feels better soon.

I guess this is the life of a mom with boys! Boy am I in trouble with two and possibly three!