Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our first fire

Today turned out to be colder than they said. But it's OK with me. After a summer of record heat I for one am ready for a little cool! It's nice to get out some different clothes for a change too! The kids were feeling a bit better so we decided to go to the dollar movies and see Aliens in the Attic. It was really cute and worth the $6 we spent to see it.

When we got home the kids begged to "roast a fire". I'm not sure why they say that. Maybe since we roast marshmallows? But I decided it would be nice. So here's to our first fire of the season! May there be many more for us to huddle next to this winter!

Apparrently Logan decided to "roast his feet"! Note to self, don't let him do that again since about 30 seconds after I took the picture he knocked the screen over on himself!


erica said...

We didn't have a fire, but we did run the heater for a few minutes tonight. Not a sexy, but still makes it feel like winter.