Sunday, October 4, 2009

Never say never!

OK, I could have predicted this. I start bragging about how Ellie's never really been sick, yadda, yadda, yadda and what do you know? She wakes up Friday night at 2:30 with a 101.5 fever. Figures. Anyway, she seems to have the exact same thing as Logan had. Which means she should be getting better by tomorrow and hopefully will go to school Tuesday.

Luckily Stuart's able to work from home tomorrow so I don't have to call in sick again. I need to get away from this "sick house". You know there is such a thing as being with your kids (or anyone else for that matter) too much! At first I was enjoying being home with Logan just puttering around and taking care of him. He's much easier to take care of sick than well! But fast forward 4 days and I'm tired of it!

Poor Ellie. We've been trying not to give too much medicine. You know, let the fever do it's work and all that. But it gets to a point and you're just like, Awww. She needs help. You know your kid doesn't feel good when they get some blankets out and lay down on the tile floor under the table!

Hopefully she'll be better soon and everything will get back to normal around here. Whatever "normal" means anyway!


erica said...

I hope the little Ellster gets better soon.

Nicole said...

Feel better, Ellie!

Jennifer said...

Awww, poor baby girl! I hope she is feeling better Mindy!