Saturday, August 21, 2010


Here's a new pic of Gordan. We started feeding him meal worms about 2 weeks ago. They are much easier to deal with than the stupid crickets. And less noisy! They come in a little cup with a lid and you keep them in the fridge. He eats about 4 a day. That's much easier to keep track of too since they stay in a little bowl and you know if they're gone, he ate them. With the crickets you never knew if they'd been eaten or drowned themselves! Plus half of them would wind up dieing before we could feed them to him. What a mess!

Since we switched him to the meal worms he's grown a lot!! I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture, but he's noticeably bigger. He hasn't started croaking yet, which is a plus too!
Logan has been really great about taking care of him. His tank is in his room, so I don't always remember to feed him. But Logan remembers everyday! Yesterday we cleaned his tank. He still needs a little help with that, but he's improving. I see a light at the end of the tunnel!


Lisa said...

Oh, he is so cute! I love frogs!

erica said...

Gross. The meal worms look like crinkle cut french fries. Gordon is not too bad, but the food source is disgusting.