Monday, December 21, 2009

School Christmas Parties

Thursday the kids both had their Christmas parties at school. Stuart had taken the day off, so we both went to both.

I just realized now, that I only took one pic at Logan's. Ooops! I didn't want to embarrass him though. He is in 3rd grade! They played a math bingo game. Big fun!

Ellie didn't mind however!

Her Teacher read the night before Christmas to them while we got their plates ready. She's been teaching Kindergarten for 28 years! I wish I had a better picture of her, she's a little scary looking! At the beginning of the year Ellie used to come home from school and say, "My teacher smiles in the morning, but by the afternoon she looks pretty mad." Funny, huh?

Ellie looks enthralled, doesn't she?

I'm glad we were able to go up there and see their teachers and their classmates. That's the thing about elementary school that you don't realize until you get there. You're so used to preschool where you're in the classroom and with the teacher everyday, twice a day. Then they go to Kindergarten and you drop them off and pick them up and almost never see their classroom or their teacher. It's weird!