Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Exciting news!!

I'm thrilled to tell everyone that I got a job!! I decided a few months ago that teaching is the career path I wanted to head down. One day it just dawned on me that I was supposed to be a teacher. I had never had that inclination before. After having thought about my prospects with regard to next fall, i.e. taking care of kids after school again (not a fun prospect), or possibly getting a job, I decided to apply for a teaching job at Ellie's preschool. Today I met with the Director. After speaking with her for a few minutes about what would be involved and the positions that were available, she "unofficially" offered me a job as Lead Teacher in one of the 3 year old classrooms!! (I should have a written offer sometime next week after the board of directors approves the budget.)

I'll be working M-F 8-2:30, which means that Ellie will be attending all 5 days as well (we haven't talked about that yet and I'm not sure how it will go over, eeek!). I'm very excited to be re-entering the workforce as it were. And I feel like this is the perfect venue to launch my career in teaching. I feel very lucky and a bit nervous to have been given the opportunity to be lead teacher and not just a co-teacher which is what I was expecting since I don't have any formal teaching experience. I must admit that I have about a million things running thru my head right now about everything that will be involved with this, but again I just feel excited and lucky.

I just couldn't contain my excitement and wanted to share the good news with everyone!!! Wish me luck as I'm sure I'll need it!


Jennifer said...

YAY! How exciting!!

Lisa said...

Congratulations Mindy! I'm very excited for you!

Nicole said...

Congrats! You'll be a great teacher, I know it! It's so rewarding and no matter how nervous you are just're bigger than they are, you're stronger than they are and you know more than they do. :)

Daniel said...

Congratulations on the new gig, Mindy! I think I'd be equally as happy if I could find out how to survive without work, hahaha! I know you'll enjoy working with the kids and having Ellie nearby too!

erica said...

Mindy! I think your classroom is going to need an entire set of Black Apple Dolls : )

Kelly said...

congrats on the new job!!!!Teaching is a noble profession.

Samantha said...
