I found this in my Redbook magazine. Although I'm not a new mom and won't be again, I thought that these were really neat and that my new mom friends might like to know about them. I wish I'd known about them way back when I had my babies! These are all inventions that mom's came up with out of necessity.
First, is a nursing cover-up called the Hooter Hider. Cute, huh? It can be found at http://www.bebeaulait.com/ They have some really nice fabrics to choose from (prints and solids).Next is a swaddling blanket. I know most of you are devoted to the miracle blanket, but you never know when something better may come along. It's called the Snug and Tug blanket. It can be found at http://www.sungandtug.com/.
The last, but certainly not least, is a car seat cover that's easy to snap on and off without going through all the trouble of taking the whole thing apart (unlacing straps, etc.). They're called dressy dribbles car seat covers and can be found at http://www.dressydribbles.com/. This thing seems awesome. If I still had regular car seats I would definitely consider it. I don't know how many times I wished my cover had been easier to remove and put back on. I probably would have washed it a lot more often if I'd had something like this.
I thought these might be helpful to some of you with new little ones or little ones on the way.
Have a Happy Day!!
Fortune Favors The Bold
1 year ago
Thanks Mindy, I am going to check out the dressy dribble;)
I love the car seat cover!! I've washed Mady's like 10 times!
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