Friday, September 4, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new!

We did it!! Woo hoo! I'm very happy to say that we got our new(ish) Honda Pilot! We've been planning for about 2 years to get a new car once Ellie started Kindergarten. I've had my suburban for 7 years!! It was time to go! I LOVED my suburban and would like to have another one someday if they could improve the gas mileage!

I've literally been looking online at cars for about a year. We never really found one that was the "it" car for us. There were several makes and models that we were considering. We needed one with a 3rd row of seats that wasn't too expensive and got better mileage since I'm pretty sure gas is going to go up again one day soon! It pretty much came down to what was available at the time we decided to buy and what Stuart would even consider (no minivans!). We decided to go with a Honda since it is a great car brand. And we were very familiar with the Pilot since Erica has one! I wasn't sure about the color at first, but I have to say it's grown on me. It's quite dark, but has a lot of depth and it sparkles in the sun!

So far it's been great. It's very different to drive of course. But at least Ellie can open her own door now! (The doors on the burb are super heavy!) I actually got a little sad the day we took my burb to CarMax though. It's the only car Ellie's ever known! We brought her home from the hospital in it! :-( My sadness quickly wained once we were crusin' in the Pilot though! Yippie!


Samantha said...

I can relate to the sadness of getting rid of a car I've had over 8 years!! I am so happy for you & wish I could get rid of mine before anything else falls off of it or starts squeaking! :) ENJOY!!!!!

The Clarks said...

We LOVE our Honda Pilot as well! Very nice choice. -Jessica

Shannan Riemer said...

Very Nice!!

Lisa said...

Love the new car! So glad you found one you love.

Jennifer said...

I am sooo jealous Mindy! LOVE the new car.

Nicole said...

Yay! Now you can go shoe shopping with all the gas money you'll save!