Monday, October 22, 2007

What's in a name?

It's come to my attention that many of you may not understand or appreciate the title of my blog. You see, living in Pflugerville changes you in a profound way... Pretty much every word written in Pflugerville that begins with an "F" sound is written beginning with a "Pf" to honor our beloved city. Examples: Deutchen Pfest, a restaurant called the Pflugerville Pizza and Wing Pfactory, Pflugerville Pfamily Pfun Pfest (this one takes it to the nth degree), etc. You see what I mean? We P'villers even have sitckers for our cars with just a PF in an oval, like the one's you see over in Europe. I don't mean to make fun of Pflugerville, I actually love living here and am very glad that I do. No where else I've been around Austin has it's own small-town feel and identity the way Pflugerville does. Yay Pflugerville!!!!!! So that's it, just explaining my blog name and putting in my 2 cents for the best little city in Texas!


Lisa said...

Pfreaking pfun post!

erica said...

Pfor real. Pfantastic. I too, love Pflugerville. Where else do you pfinish a 5k and get served all you can eat pizza and beer?

erica said...

Great picture : ) We need to see more posting, please.

Jennifer said...

Love the name of your blog! So creative Mindy- :)