Hi all!
I just wanted to write a quick line or 2 to let you know that school's been going great. I really enjoy it. The kids are all so cute and sweet. Even the one's that can be "challenging" (is that the PC term for it nowadays?) are still cute as buttons! I like this age much better than older kids so far. At least you don't have to wipe older kids butts though! Oh, and one kid today handed me a booger before I could tell what it was. I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth on that one!!
But it's all still good right now. It's really busy. You NEVER get to sit down there. I barely get to run to the bathroom! Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know how I'm doing in case you were wondering!! BTW, all that running around has helped me lose another pound!! That's 6 now (in case any one's counting). Yay power patch!!!
Have a good Wednesday!!
Fortune Favors The Bold
11 months ago
I am so glad to hear that you love your new job! I am sure you will have a ton of funny stories for us:)
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