Monday, September 1, 2008

My empty room

Here are some pictures of my empty room. By the end of this week (hopefully) it will be a cute "bug" room for my little "Daring Dragonflies" (MWF kids) and "Fantastic Fireflies" (TTh kids). I'm pretty sure about those names.

At our school each class room has a theme and each class (MWF or TTh) has a different name, like Logan was an Angelfish (TTh) and the MWF kids were Rainbow fish. Then we've had Ropers and Wranglers, Doodlebugs and Jitterbugs, All Stars and Super Stars, etc. You get the idea. Ever since I found out I was teaching I started thinking of what my class could be. I finally decided on Butterflies and Dragonflies. When I got up to the school and told the director, I found out another teacher had chosen Butterflies as one of her class names. Bummer. So I switched to fireflies. It still works and really I will have all kinds of bugs in my room.

By the way, those big white tables won't be in there when the kids are there. They're used by the church.

So hopefully by this weekend I can post some pictures of my finished or mostly finished room! The kids don't come until next week! Eeeek!

Also, I just had to add a picture of Logan on his first day of school. We take one every year. Don't we all have those pictures of ourselves on the first day with our new clothes and shoes all nervous about going back to school? Just thinking about it takes me back to those days and boy am I glad I'm not there anymore!!
Have a good week!