Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Whew!! It's been a long time, I know. For some reason I just get on these kicks where I don't want to do anything, including blog or even read them. So excuse me, it'll take me a little while to catch up on all your posts! I know this is unfathomable to some of you. I can't explain it. I just have an aversion to the computer sometimes. Then I start feeling guilty about not blogging and it makes it that much harder to start again.

On December 30th we had a family holiday party. That morning the kids and I made a double batch of Christmas cookies! It was really fun and delicious!

Here are a couple of pics from that night. I really need to get Stuart to take more pics because I hardly took any!!
Dont' the girls look pretty?

Erica with our cousin Nathan's baby, Amelia! Awww!


erica said...

welcome back to the blogosphere.

Jennifer said...

I totally hear you on the blogging Mindy!
Great pictures! :)