Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Ellie!

Five years ago, right now I was pushing out my beautiful baby girl! I still can't believe that God blessed me with two such miraculous beings!

Every year since Logan turned 2, I've made the kids a number cake for their birthday. I have every number if you ever are in need. This year was no exception. I managed to make it without her knowing. So this morning I got it out and she was so surprised. She also had to have a little piece with breakfast. Oh well, you only turn 5 once, right!

Tonight she got to choose where to eat. She chose Gattiland. Not exactly my first choice for a birthday dinner, but it could have been worse (wait until you hear where Logan wants to eat on his birthday). We had a great time. She got to drive the bumper cars for the first time tonight. She LOVED it!! She did it 3 times!

(All these pictures were taken today. This is the outfit she was going to wear to eat in, but then we went a bought a new shirt and skirt at Target beforehand, so she had to change of course. Also, check our her new crocs (click on it) she got for her birthday today. They're really cute!)

To Ellie,
My gorgeous, sassy, bright, funny, amazing girl:

I hope you know how much you changed my life and what an incredible gift you are! I can't believe that it's been 5 years already. I look back with delight at the memories and a little sadness for the loss of the baby you were, but also with incredible hope for the girl and one day the woman you will become. I hope you had an awesome birthday!! I love you more than words could ever describe.



scoop said...

You are such a great mom Mindy...I have loved your last few posts but haven't been signed in so I didn't comment on them.

In any case, everyone looks great and I hope to see you next weekend; thanks for helping me with the nursery mural!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!! :)