Saturday, May 30, 2009

A great week for Logan

This week has been full of special days for Logan. At school he got a prize for being one of the kids who collected the most box tops! Nothing amazing, but they did say his name during the announcements.

Then on Thursday, his flag football team had a make-up game for one that had been rained out. Logan made his first touchdown!!!!! Never mind that it happened the one time I had gotten up to take Ellie to the bathroom!! Yes, I missed it. But Mom and Stuart were there to see it!

This morning he had another game, and he pulled his first flag! Yay Logan! Not as exciting as a touchdown, but still it's a first!

Then this afternoon we went to HEB to their Kid's fish tournament. Basically they set up a big tank in the parking lot and let 10 kids at a time fish the stocked tank for about 10 minutes. Logan and Ellie were fishing. I was by Logan and Stu was with Ellie. I looked down and Logan's line was being nibbled. I reached out and pulled it gently and what do you know, there was a fish on it!! It was so exciting! They were awarding trophies for the 3 biggest fish every hour. Logan's was 17 1/2 in. which put him in 2nd place!! He got a neat trophy! It was great!! His first time ever to catch a fish and he gets a trophy for it.

On top of all that, tomorrow we're having his birthday party at Austin Park with all his friends from school. I sure hope his streak of good luck extends to that too!!
Maybe we should have him pick us some lottery numbers or something!! Way to go Logan!


Jennifer said...

Yay for Logan!