I am really trying to do better than twice a month. It seems that technology is not on my side right now. I told you before that I dropped my camera and broke it, well now it seems that my computer is on it's last legs as well. I can't really complain that much about it. I'm actually embarrassed to say that it's almost 8 years old! Amazing it still works at all I guess. I've been frantically trying to burn all the pictures we have on that computer onto CD's before it completely bites the dust. It's in there right now taking 51 minutes to burn one disc of pictures. Now it's started making this clicking noise. We don't know what that's all about, but it can't be good. If this disc finishes successfully, I only have one more to get done, then I won't care so much if it dies. We'll just be forced to buy a new one. Great timing I know. Stuart was already worried about money and the economy before the shit hit the fan. Now it's just intensified. I naively thought that since I was working that things would be better or easier at least. We'll see.
Now I'm in the market for a camera and a computer if anyone has any input on those. As far as the camera goes I'm going with a cheapie on that. This is the 3rd time in about 2 years that I've dropped a camera with dire consequences. The first time I got it repaired costing around $100. The second time I decided to buy a new camera. Now, I have no choice as the cost to repair is about the same as the cost of the camera.
Right now I also have a horrible case of Poison Ivy. I have never experienced anything like this before. It has been just awful. It's all over my legs. That's what I get for chasing Logan's baseball into the greenbelt behind my house. If I had a camera I could take pictures, but I don't know that I would anyway. It's utterly disgusting. I had no idea how bad poison ivy is. I had to go to the doctor twice. I finally have medicine that's helping though.
I'm using Stu's work laptop for this and he's on my case to get off, so that's all I have to say right now.
Also, I just wanted to mention that I went to a pampered chef party tonight. I haven't been to one in like 4 years or something. I never thought I would want to do this, but I'm having a "catalog party" starting at the beginning of November. This means no one has to come to my house to order stuff, but if there's anything you've been wanting you could order it on the website she's setting up for my party and I'll get credit for it. There's one item I really want, but it's kind of expensive, so we'll see. No pressure.
OK, bye.