Saturday, July 2, 2011

Logan's field trip

I know I'm waaay behind on posting, but I'm going to try and catch up. Logan had his field trip 2 days before the end of school. They went to the Capitol and the Texas State Cemetery. It was a great time, but really hot! Here are some pics.

Looking up into the dome. Apparently that star in the middle is over 6 feet across!

Looking up through the sky light from the under ground section.

This is the floor directly below the dome.

The Texas State Cemetery. Beautiful! All those small headstones are from the Civil War.

I can't remember who this guy was, someone from the Civil War, I think. Anyway there's a fantastic statue carved of him inside.

All the kids found a hill at the end of our tour and had a great time running up and rolling down. The teachers and parents weren't sure if it was really "cemetery behavior", but there weren't any graves or funerals happening, so we figured it was OK.

This is the 9-11 memorial. It's an actual piece of the twin towers in the middle there. Pretty neat.

If you haven't been to either of these places, they are both worth a visit. Very fun and educational!


scoop said...

Great pictures and so glad you got to go with him...very great field trip idea!