Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gordan's release

We decided that after having Gordan the bullfrog for 1 year, it was time to let him go have a good frog life at the pond in our neighborhood. They keep water in it all the time, so there's no need to worry about his habitat drying up.

We got him on 6-16-10 (right after Logan's birthday last year.) This is how he came in the mail. Needless to say I was a little surprised at how big he was as a tadpole.

We watched him grow (quickly!). It was really awesome.

Within just a few days of sprouting his legs, his tail disappeared. Magic!

Here he was the morning we took him to the pond 6-19-11. Almost a year to the day after we got him.

We made sure he was well fed leading up to his release just in case it took him a little while to get adjusted. Once we felt like he was ready we carried him in his little carrier down to the big pond.

Logan gave him a little kiss goodbye!

Miss El had to hold him one last time too.

Look how well he blends in! Hopefully he'll be safe.

There are tons of waterlilies and other lovely plants surrounding the pond, so he has lots of places to hide out and hunt for food! He'll finally get to stretch his legs.

I know he's in froggie paradise right now!! Wouldn't you be if you were a frog?


erica said...

Yay Gordon! He's made it to the froggie big league just like Spence. I'm sure that was a little hard for Logan and Ellie but it was the right thing to do.

Lisa said...

I bet you are so proud of your kids!

Annalynn said...

Was Ellie hoping he would turn into a prince if she kissed him? ;)

scoop said...

I love it; what a touching story. I bet Gordon things he died and went to heaven with all that beautiful scenery! :)

Shannan Riemer said...

whoa! so cool!! we need to do it!