Monday, August 9, 2010

Six Flags Fiesta Texas

We decided to go to Fiesta Texas last week since the kids had earned free tickets last year at school in a program called ticket to read. Stuart's sister Becky gave us her ticket that she got as a teacher from that program as well, so we only wound up buying 1 ticket at the special online price of $29.99. We also had to pay for parking which is usually $15, but since we bought it online it was like $13.86.

The Smiths with Scrappy and Scooby Doo! It's nice that they have people stationed to take pictures of you with your own camera!!
The kids with Scrappy Doo!
I'm proud to say that $47 is the total amount of money we spent there!! Ha! For some reason it gives me immense pleasure to know that we got the best of a place that is totally out to get you! A bottle of water there is $4, a kid's meal, $7.99, a refillable soda is $12! Ridiculous! We brought an ice chest full of food and drinks and left it in the car. I also carried a couple of bottles of water and some Capri suns into the park in my backpack. They didn't say anything when they "searched" it upon entry.

We stopped and ate right before we went in, so we were nice and full to begin with. Then after a few hours we went out to the car and ate and drank. Then came back in for a couple more hours. We had a great time.
Logan is a roller coaster rider just like his Mama. Ellie, I'm not sure about yet. She didn't ride anything very big, but she's still little. Stuart, not so much. He'll ride a few things, but mostly was happy taking Ellie around to do her little rides while Logan and I rode the "big" rides.

We had heard some negative things about the park not being clean and having a bunch of punk kids running it, but our experience was very good. Everything was clean, it wasn't crowded at all and everyone was very nice. I'd recommend it to anyone. They have tons of rides for all ages, so even littler kids will have something to do.

We didn't go into the "water park"at all. It just seemed like a lot of trouble and the kids were happy doing all the other stuff. There were several rides that got you wet that weren't in the water park, so we were able to cool off when we got too hot.

They had this little splash area in the Wiggles World that the kids liked to get wet in too.

So my final review is to go to Fiesta Texas!! Especially if you have free tickets!


erica said...

looks hot. glad y'all had fun.

Jennifer said...

Looks like FUN!!

Nicole said...

I haven't been is years! Glad you guys had a good time!