Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Decision

OK, so as you all know I've been looking for a teaching job. It's rough out there. There are just too many people out of work right now that are wanting to teach again and teachers who aren't retiring. So after a few weeks of feeling pretty beat up and hopeless, I've made a decision.

As you know, I wrote my petition to God the other day. And I feel like I've gotten an answer to my prayers. I'm going to student teach. You see, thru my alternative certification program I had the option of either securing a teaching job and using that first year "internship" to gain my standard teaching certificate or student teaching for 14 weeks at an assigned school at the end of which I would have my standard certificate. The latter option is more like a traditional student that gets their certificate while in college.

I feel really good about this. Like it's what I'm meant to do. That is not to say that it won' t be a sacrifice. Financially it will be rough. Student teaching doesn't pay of course and on top of that I have to pay the remainder of my tuition ($3000) to ACT while I'm doing it. So, that may be a little stressful. But I really feel like this is my best option and what I'm supposed to do.

Now we just have to pray that I get assigned a school in Pflugerville since that's really where I want to be when I get a job. The lady I spoke to said it is a good possibility. I hope to find out soon.

The student teaching starts on September 7th and by December 10th I'll be finished and have my standard teaching certificate. Hopefully I'll also have a good place at the school where I student teach to at least sub and possibly get a teaching job in the future.

Say little prayer that my placement will work out favorably for me!!


scoop said...

Sounds like a great plan! Good luck to you!

Jennifer said...

Good Luck Mindy! I hope everything works out just the way you want!

Annalynn said...

Good for you, and good luck!