Friday, May 20, 2011

Mr. Pickles

Logan's after school program held a talent show today. We found out about it on Tuesday. He came home and wanted to go buy drums to be in the talent show. I said no to that for obvious reasons and because he doesn't know how to play the drums and probably wouldn't by Friday. I didn't think that would be his best "talent" . So then we tried to figure out what he could do. Hmmm...

On Wednesday he signed up for the talent show and said his act was called Mr. Pickles and the category was comedy. OK, what does that mean. I was pretty worried that he was going to get up there and not know what he was doing. So on Thursday after school I decided that we needed to plan his act so he didn't look like a fool.

We ended up planning out a clown/magician act that turned out pretty funny. He was a silent clown, so he just acted out everything. He dropped his briefcase a few times on his way up to the stage and then stumbled over it. Then he "realized" that he wasn't wearing his hat, so he had to look in his briefcase and tried on a bunch of silly hats before he found the right one. He found a rabbit in it too. Then he "sneezed" and went to get a handkerchief and of course there was a whole string of them ending with a pair of underwear that he didn't realize was underwear until after he'd used it to blow his nose! What a little entertainer!

He ended up getting FIRST PLACE!! Way to go Mr. Pickles!

I have a video of it, but we're having technical difficulties with it. Stay tuned...


erica said...

AWESOME!!! First place! I can't wait to see the video.

scoop said...

I can't wait Ellie's too! You have two little natural born performers there!

Roxana said...

You have a beautiful family :) I enjoyed checking your photos on the blog, much love from ireland :)

Lisa said...

Wow Mindy! I bet you were so proud! Way to go Logan!