Thursday, July 23, 2009

Our Galveston Vacation

We had an awesome time in Galveston. Thanks to Erica and Ray for getting the beach houses!

For some reason I didn't take a lot of pics of the house. It was beautiful!

We all ate together at our house since it had a much larger kitchen. The kids ate at the big bar. It was perfect.

We mostly just hung around the awesome beach houses and went to the beach. The houses were located just south of Galveston right across the San Luis pass. The beach there was awesome. Hardly any people, nice sand and big waves. You could walk out in the water quite a ways without it getting deep. It was great for us and the kids to play in.

The first night we went to the beach there was this mysterious stuff on the shore that Ray was calling "sea foam". It was thick and frothy like the top of a cappuccino. For some reason the kids loved putting it all over themselves, especially Logan. Gross!

The girls got in on the act too.

On Saturday we decided to go crabbing which I've never done before. It was a lot of fun though. I got into it a lot more than I thought I would. We caught about a dozen blue crabs that were big enough to eat and lots of hermit crabs (which we threw back because I've already been down that road!)

Grandma Cindy came up on Saturday and spent the day and night with us. We had a great time with her and hope she had fun too!

Below the kids and Grandma are looking into the cooler with the crabs in it!
We caught one stone crab with no pinchers so the kids were able to hold it before we threw it back.

My kids really love seafood like crawfish and shrimp, so they were pretty excited about eating the crabs. The meat was sweet and delicious!

This is the golf cart we drove around on. It was a great way to get to and from the beach!
On Friday we decided to drive into Galveston for lunch. It was quite a ride as you can see!

It was a great vacation and we can't wait to go back!


scoop said...

That looked like so much fun! Great pictures; glad to see you posting again!

erica said...

Yes, good post. Carter and I look quite a bit alike in the crazy car picture.

Shannan Riemer said...

I am so jealous, you guys look like you had a blast. I need some beach time!