Friday, June 4, 2010

My kids accomplishments

So, I try not to do this too often, but I have to brag a little. The kids just did such a good job this year.

Logan hasn't always had the easiest time. For a little while I regretted my decision to send him to school right after he turned 5 instead of letting him wait a year. Things would have only been easier for him if we'd waited. He's always done well, but it's taken work and hasn't always come easily. Even this year. At the beginning he had some trouble on a math test they gave him. So he went to tutoring with his teacher after school once a week for a about 6 weeks.

He's always gotten good grades on his report card (he ended up with an overall core average of 91), but those state tests were a different story.

I was nervous about 3rd grade since that's when they start taking the TAKS test. I'm so happy to say that not only did he pass, but he did really well. He only missed 3 ?s on the math and 4 ?s on the reading. His math score was actually commended!! (That just means that if you make a certain score they call it "commended") I'm so proud of him!!!

And Ellie! She's been amazing. She started reading in Pre-K and has grown leaps and bounds in Kindergarten. I never used to believe people when they said that their kid just started reading kind of on their own. Especially since that was NOT the experience I had with Logan. We worked really hard to learn to read. But Ellie's a natural at it! It amazes me on a daily basis.

Her teacher did some testing at the end of the year too and she did awesome as well, scoring way above the district passing score in everything! The reading level goal at the end of Kindergarten is a 3 and she scored an 8!! And the math assessment district goal is 35%, she scored 90%!!! I'm so happy that at least so far, things are going so smoothly for her.

So I just have to say, Way to Go Logan and Ellie!! Mom and Dad Love you and are soooo Proud of you!!!


erica said...

Wow! Great job Logan and Ellie!! Impressive.

scoop said...

What a great set of accomplishments! You should ALWAYS brag on them on your blog--we love it. Glad to hear they are doing so well!