Saturday, October 25, 2008


I got a new camera!! Woo hoo! It's just a very basic model. I bought the protection policy that Best Buy offers. It covers dropping, which we all know I desperately need. Although, like I was telling Erica, since I bought it, I'll probably never drop this camera. But it's worth it just for the peace of mind. I really like the new camera. It takes great pictures and it's really small. They've gotten so small. I finally have some pictures to post! No more boring just text blogs.

Our computer is still shot. Hopefully we'll be getting our new one soon. In the meantime my lovely sister Erica lent me her laptop. She wasn't able to use it at her house for some reason, but it's working for me. Thank you Erica!!
Logan has decided to join the Cub Scouts. We had our first "event" this morning. It was a Rocket launch. We had to build him a rocket. It was a kit, but it was kind of a pain. We had to cut and sand balsa wood fins and glue them on the cardboard tube fuselage. And paint the whole thing. It turned out nice. We painted it a slick black with no markings. It looked cool. Unfortunately the first time we launched it went up so high and blew so far that we never found it. This happened to a lot of the kids. They were bummed and so was I as I had spent several hours building the stupid thing!
Logan is in 2nd grade so their "Den" is called the wolves. There are also Tigers, Bears and Webelos. After that they move from being Cub scouts to Boy scouts.
Here is a picture of all the Wolves' rockets. They were judged and Logan's didn't win any prizes, but I still thought it was the coolest!
After that we went a picked up Logan's uniform. He was really excited to get this. He seems to really be excited about the whole thing. Next weekend is his first camp out. He's really looking forward to it. Doesn't he look cute?
Check out the patches on his sleeve. I just spent about 45 minutes sewing them on!
He is enjoying it so far and is really excited to do all the fun things they do. I'm all for a little wholesome fun. Especially in today's crazy, growing-up-too-fast world.
Hopefully I'll be able to blog a little more now. And I'll have pictures. You have no idea how terrible it was not to have a camera!
Girls, we need to get together again soon. I miss you all! Have a great weekend!


scoop said...

I love the boy scout cute and you're right how nice to have him doing something whoelesome in the world. He'll have a great time getting to do all the "guy" things like camping...the pics look great!

Samantha said...

You did a great job on ALL of those patches! He looks so proud of his uniform.. I can't wait for those days! Congrats on the new camera!

Daniel said...

Good looking rocket...Nathan & I got into rocketry quite a bit and it's a lot of fun but I can totally identify with losing one after so much time spent constructing it, ughhhh! Nathan will have to show Logan some of his high powered models that go a mile up...we had to use a car battery for ignition!