Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just some new pics to share.

Yesterday evening after dinner we were out playing with the kids when I looked over at my neighbors fence (1 house over) and saw what I thought was one of those fake plastic owls. Upon closer inspection I discovered it was a hawk. It sat there on the fence for several minutes while we stared in awe. Several other small birds were flying around it including a mocking bird who kept diving toward it I guess to try and scare it away. Now that's a ballsy bird!!

The first view is how it looked from our porch with no zoom. (You could see it a little better than the picture shows.) See the little dot on top of the fence in the middle?This is with the zoom (obviously). Cool, huh?

Also, I just wanted to share a sweet picture of Ellie from this morning. I love it when she lets me put her hair up!!

Have a nice day!!


Shannan Riemer said...

I love birds. I am glad to know you are an observer,too.

Daniel said...

Cool hawk! You have to remind us to tell you about the OWL PROWL that we went on a few years back! Good to know I'm not the only old fogey watching the birds!