Monday, December 17, 2007

All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth!

Good thing we went on Saturday and had pictures done, because Sunday morning Logan lost his other front tooth. I just checked and he lost the other one on 9-29 and still no sign of the adult tooth that needs to grow in. The one he lost yesterday already has the new tooth showing? Weird. The tooth fairy had to give him $5 last night since she didn't have anything smaller. Just a note, when you have a kid that's going to lose a tooth soon, keep cash on hand in the correct denominations.
I went Christmas shopping this morning for the kids since today's my last full kid free day. Wednesday is Ellie's pageant at noon and Stu's mom will be here, so I don't know how much I'm going to be able to get done then. It's fun to get to buy them stuff you know they'll like without too much guilt. After all, it is Christmas, and they do need presents, right? I was able to find a Santa suit for Logan. I know this might sound strange, but Logan loves to dress up and Santa suits for kids his age are hard to come by. I ordered one off the Internet last year, or the year before and it was kind of weird. It came from China and the pants had a split crotch. It looked like they were supposed to be that way. Also, it was sized really small and never really fit him right. This one is cool and will look awesome!

I also included a picture of the kids roasting marshmallows in the fireplace last night. They love that!

I still have tons to do today, so I'll post again soon! Have a great day!


erica said...

Logan looks so cute with two missing teeth!