I can't let another day go by without telling everyone what beautiful, sweet, wonderful, amazing children I have. I have included a few pictures just to show how awesome they are. The first picture was in May right after Ellie got her ears pierced. She was so proud. The next is Logan in the snowstorm last winter. In the picture where they're sleeping we were staying at my mother-in-laws house and they fell asleep this way. I came in and thought it was the sweetest thing ever! The last picture was taken at the Waco zoo last weekend. Too cute!
With all the griping and complaining I do about them all the time, it's wonderful when you look at them playing together or sleeping and get that feeling like, yeah, this is why I'm doing this. This is why I had kids- so I can see the amazing human beings they are- and feel that sense of overwhelming love that brings tears to your eyes. Then, wham- It's over. Logan has knocked Ellie over again and she's screaming. But for that brief few seconds you see what it all should be about. And it's those few moments that make it all worth while and helps us get thru all the rotten stuff that seems to permeate so much of our days. Ahhh, the joys of motherhood!! We should all be so lucky!
I love this post! Your kids are so stinking cute! I love the picture of them sleeping and the alligator one is really cool. They are precious!
Ah, how sweet. You are going to make me cry! ;)
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